Modest Apparel - Modest Clothing

This discussion board of for those who believe the biblical principal of dressing modestly. Differing viewpoints are welcome provided you present them in a respectful way.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Clothing Reviews!

We are thrilled to have the first review on our website!

If you've purchased anything from us, feel free to write a review on our website! Your input helps build our customer's confidence in our products.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

2009 UPCI General Conference, St. Louis, MO

Thank you to all you ladies who visited our booth during General Conference. We met some of you who came to Conference from New Jersey, Texas, Michigan, Vermont, Ohio, Illinois, California, Pennsylvania, Kansas, and yes, Missouri and New York, among other states! We're so thrilled that we have added more than 200 ladies to our subscriber list!

Congratulations to Cheryl from Rockford, Michigan who won $50 in free clothing!

We hope you like one of our newest products, tanks-alot. In the near future we want to make some tanks in neutral colors: black with gray, brown with navy and maybe even white with off-white. Once we've made the neutral colors we'll try to keep a continuous stock and offer them all the time. We'll still add some new colors each season, too.

In the weeks and months to come, we want to continue bringing you great new clothes that you can wear and be comfortable knowing that you're still dressed modestly.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Conferences, denim jackets & First Ladies Club

It's been quite a while since my last post....we've been so busy!

Last week we attended the General Council of the Assemblies of God in Orlando, FL. It was great to meet so many wonderful people from all over the country! We made some great contacts with ladies who told us that they had been looking for a company like ours.

This week we're in Atlanta attending the PAW (Pentecostal Assemblies of the World) General Convention and the ladies here are just eating up our denim skirts (in a figurative way, of course!) What surprised us is that so many of them are asking for the matching denim jackets. We've are asking all the ladies to please sign up for our newsletter and then email us to let us know that they're specifically looking for those jackets. Once we've got them in stock (probably in the next 2 - 3 weeks) I'll send out a newsletter to let everyone know that we have them.

Pretty soon we'll be adding a new list for our subscribers. We're calling it our "First Ladies List". Open to all pastors wives and lady ministers, we'll send out a newsletter from time to time discussing topics like: clothing to meet platform standards, Christian school uniform skirt supply and choir outfits for ladies (other than choir robes). If you are a pastor's wife or a lady minister, please be sure to sign up now for our general newsletter. Once we've created this new list we'll send you an invitation to join.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

In honor of July 4th (although a day late!)

I sent this newsletter to all our subscribers:


It's a word that brings a swelling of patriotism and pride in our country. It's reminds us how blessed we are to live in a land where families can still live and believe in the principles that our founders penned for us more than two centuries ago.

The battle of Bunker Hill in 1775 was one of the earliest that the American colonists fought in their quest for independence. Even though they lost that struggle, the colonists proved their determination to gain their freedom.

As you celebrate the holiday this upcoming weekend, why don't you take a few moments to remember another battle that was fought and won on another hill more than 2,000 years ago? This battle was not fought for land or country but for freedom from sin. As Jesus died on the cross on Calvary's Hill, He sealed the victory over death, hell and the grave. Because of this sacrifice, we can celebrate what it truly means to be free!

God bless you and your family...and God bless America!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ladies Retreats - Georgia and Indiana

It's been more about 2 months since we attended the UPCI Georgia Ladies Retreat and the UPCI Indiana Ladies Conference in April. Both conferences were well attended and there was an awesome move of the Holy Ghost.

In Georgia we were blessed with the singing ministry of Sis. Karen Harding and awesome preaching from Sis. Cindy Miller of New Jersey and Sis. Jennifer Cobb of Ohio.

Indiana Ladies Conference was packed at Calvary Tabernacle in Indianapolis. Sis. Adena Pedigo blessed us in song and then Sis. Cindy Miller (yes, we were at both conferences!) preached to us.

We met so many wonderful women of God...we're looking forward to next year's conferences! If you attended either of these conferences, please feel free to share what the Lord did for you!